I don't have a lot of time to fuss and have a busy schedule,
but I don't want to forget to make a Kuchen!
If you think about it.....what a wonderful way to get your fruit intake.
I know myself well enough that when I am weak, after dinner
and watching TV that I will want a sweet treat.
I know I can go to my Kuchen which is made with fresh fruit and decent ingredients.
So I have devised a way to make a kuchen with self rising flour to save a few steps. (Also how to make your own self rising flour) I also don't measure much or fuss with an exact recipe, which I encourage you to do,
as the kuchen dough does not need to be totally exacting as some baked items.
My Grandma didn't measure most of the time for this.
So maybe you will see it is not that much work, and you don't need to set aside a whole morning or afternoon to do it. You can also do it in steps, The fruit when you have a few minutes, then the crust and bake.
In this newsletter I am going to make a plum kuchen
but you can use this for any kind of fruit you see that is a good buy,
I of course favor, apples, plums, peaches, but don't leave out, banana's,
oranges straweberries and more.
I am using videos because I am not really using a recipe here,
just going "Off the Cuff". If you want the recipe with pictures is provided.
Get creative. Kuchen is a palate for your fruit artistry.
Plums just happen to be a family favorite so when I see them at a good price I get them.
The items in this inexpensive set will allow you to cook eggs, can foods, Bake your kuchen or cheesecake in your pressure cooker.
Our Cookbook
A recipe book and short biography of my Grandmother Emma Block. Her recipes, culture and cooking styles that were brought over from Germany. How they evolved when she came to America in the early 1900s and settled in Portland, Oregon on the west coast of the United States. Over 100 recipes
Bonus Recipe CD with the Ebook and recipes with step by step pictures
is located on the East Coast.
Christopher ships out affordable bread from Germany.
Karin Elliot born and raised in Germany
is a chef and wonderful friend giving me encouragement through the years here and donated her recipes for our newsletter. She also does wonderful volunteer work like providing meals for school children in need in Tuscon, Arizona.
Many German-Americans and German immigrants are interested in Native American items from books and movies to jewelry and arts and craft supplies. Karin will take care of you personally with her online store Native Rainbows
Wildecker Herzbuben -
Ein letztes Glas'l mit alten Freunden
die geh'n allein nach Haus.
In den Straßen
in den Gassen
geh'n langsam die Lichter aus.
Ich seh' auf einmal den Mond gleich zweimal
das hat der Wein gemacht.
Ich weiß du wartest schon seit Stunden
und liegst bestimmt noch wach.
- Doch ich sag ganz lieb:
du mußt nicht traurig sein
ich weiß
du bist nicht gern allein
und schuld war doch nur der Wein
-und du sagst sicher:
ich werd' dir noch einmal verzeih'n.
Die Hauptsache ist
du kommst heim
- so kann nur ein Engel sein.
Da ist schon der Bahnhof und das alte Wirtshaus
ich geh' noch einmal 'nein
ich glaub
ich könnt' noch ein Glas'l vertragen
ach was
ich lass' es sein.
Alles bewegt sich. Der Kirchturm er dreht sich
das hat…
One last glass'l with old friends
they go home alone.
In the streets
in the streets
slowly go out the lights.
I see the moon twice
that's what the wine did.
I know you've been waiting for hours
and I'm sure you're still awake.
- But I say very nice:
you do not have to be sad
I know
you do not like to be alone
and it was only the wine that was to blame
-and you say:
I'll forgive you again.
The main thing is
you come home
- that can only be an angel.
There is already the train station and the old tavern
I'll go 'no' again
I think
I could handle another glass
I'll let it be.
Everything is moving. The church tower he turns
that has…