How Did the Easter Bunny get from Germany to the United States
In pagan times, the "Easter hare" was no ordinary animal, but a sacred companion of the old goddess of spring, Eostre.
The Easter bunny has its origin in pre-Christian fertility lore. The Hare and the Rabbit were the most fertile animals known and they served as symbols of the new life during the Spring season.Since long before Jesus Christ was born, parents told their children that the magic hare would bring them presents at the spring festival. The presents were often painted eggs, as these represented the new life starting at this time of year." Hares are animals which look like rabbits, but are larger and in many countries quite rare. In most places, the Easter rabbit (bunny) has replaced the Easter hare completely.
The bunny was first used as a symbol of Easter in 16th century Germany , where it was first mentioned in German writings. The first edible Easter bunnies, made primarily of pastry and sugar, were produced in Germany as well, during the early 1800s. Also in Germany , children made nests of grass and placed them in their yards. They believed the Easter Bunny would fill these baskets with brightly decorated eggs during the night.
The Easter bunny was introduced to American folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s. The arrival of the "Oschter Haws" (different from German spelling) was considered "childhood's greatest pleasure" next to a visit from Christ-Kindel on Christmas Eve. The children believed that if they were good the "Oschter Haws" would lay a nest of colored eggs. Thus the custom of making nests also spread to America . Children would build their nest in a secluded place in the home, the barn or the garden. Boys would use their caps and girls their bonnets to make the nests . The use of elaborate Easter baskets would come later as the tradition of the Easter bunny spread through out the country.
At first the custom was to use only red colored eggs. This was a symbol of the blood of Christ. After the reformation many colors were used.
Gnomes were a German creation that goes way back
and were thought to bring good luck.
In some areas of Germany instead of the Easter rabbit
the Easte fox "Osterfuchs"
brought the eggs. The kids would make a nest for him the night before and in the morning it would be filled with eggs. More here
(Hit the translate button)
(Easter Tree)
Karen Kinnane last year went to Kleinzerbst, Germany and talks about the German Osterbaums that decorate many villages
Karen writes...Germany is very festive, so many homes in the villages including Kleinzerbst have "Easter egg trees" inside and outside the houses. Inside they often use forsythia branches and in time the "trees" sprout yellow flowers, plus the blown out and decorated colored eggs.
Anne and her Mother used to dye the eggs with home made colors, blowing out the eggs for the shells for the Ostern tree decorations, and using the bent wood match with the string through the egg shell out the smaller hole at the top of the eggshell in order to hang them from the ostern tree after dyeing them with the natural dyes: purple red from beets, yellow from onion skins, green from the stinging nettles of which I don't know the German name or the American name as we have them here at the edge between the fields and the woods. You don't want to touch this plant because it stings your bare skin, makes it itch, NOT POISON IVY! They boiled the organic material and then boiled the eggs in the colored water.
Making Easter Eggs with Natural Dye
Here is a nice colored egg that I made by boiling yellow onion skins. I was very pleased with the nice goldish yellow color.
Simmer the onion skins in some water to get the nice color for the dye.
Wash the egg to get anything off that might keep the dye from setting. Use a small nail or needle and twist carefully till it goes through the shell.Turn the egg over and repeat.
Blow out one end of the shell over a bowl, and the egg will come out.
I put the egg in the simmering yellow dye. Add a little salt or a tablespoon of vinegar as a "mordant" which is something that will help set the dye.
Light Reddish Egg
Red Beets
Here is one made with Beets
Just chop up fresh beets and boil
Bright Purple Egg
Blueberry Dye
Put blueberries in a food processor
Yellow Egg
Ground Turmeric
Simmer 1 1/2 cups of water with turmeric for 2 minutes.
When we think of Easter in the US we think of pastel colors, Easter egg hunts,
chocolate bunnies, Easter Sunday Service with beautiful hats, and an Easter feast.
But I think of FIRE!!!!
I think of my distant, well,
not so distant relatives now that I am older,
that in medieval times and
even before Christ was born,
They took part in fire rituals
to bring in Spring,
in Germany and
all over Europe.
Each year on the first Sunday
after the full moon in Spring,
Bonfires symbolized making it
through the harsh, dark winter,
the sun returning,
with warmth
and also green vegetables.
Similar to bonfires,
a Burning wheel,
racing down Easter Mountain,
at 9 pm Easter Sunday.
Symbolizing the Sun returning.
I include a lot of the hisory
and where I want to go
and see this event in
Luegde, Germany
in the Rhine-Westphalia area.
If were allowed only one holiday event that I I could go to in Germany, It would not be Oktoberfest or the Dresden Christmas market, it would be in Lüdge, in the Rhine Westphalia area of Germany. This little town carries on the centuries old tradition of sending a fire wheel down a large hill (called the Osterberg) overlooking the town and not one but 6 wheels are stuffed with straw and sent down the hill at 9 pm on Easter.
There is no way I can express the history amd coolness of this event in a short newsletter. I am planning my visit when they bring back the event which has been closed down for 2 years now.
This quote by one of the directors expresses some of the excitement.
"A gunshot heralds the start and silences the visitors. The first wheel is lit. The flames are leaping up, you think it would burn out before it even starts running.
But the Dechen (trained experts) know their trade. At the right time, the wheel is set in motion with the help of a rod.
The illuminated cross goes out.
The bells of the town church begin solemnly. At first slowly, then faster and faster, the "Fire Wheel" rolls towards the first slope, falls down it, gains momentum and momentum, jumps over paths, breaks through hedges and fences and, steadfastly and powerfully, pulls its fiery path into the valley, where the "Fire Wheel" from the flourish of the band and the cheering of the visitors is welcomed.
Five more "Fire Wheels" will follow at short intervals. The same fascinating spectacle over and over again. If the "Fire Wheels" successully make their way down to the valley, the old folk belief will follow that there will be a good harvest year.
Gradually the darkness spreads in the valley. The glowing straw fan of the six traces of fire left by the wheels is still visible for a long time in the darkness of the night on the Osterberghang. Visibly impressed by this unique spectacle, the audience leaves the scene.
Dieter Stumpe December 2017
This tradition going back as far as 2000 years and celebrates the coming of Spring.
At 9 pm on the first Sunday after the first full moon of Spring or Easter.
The burning wheels are stuffed with straw, set on fire and roll down the hills
symbolizes the sun.
It starts out with a parade drawing the wheels and straw by horse. A cannon fires setting off the celebration.
The wheels are set on fire and roll down the hill. A ritual that will bring good luck and a good harvest.
6 wheels in all are set in motion and they crash through hedges and fences like a firey commet leaving a burning path and good luck
where ever it crosses.
This video is a vintage one and in English that explains this custom
This video is about the whole festival in Lügde, Germany, from the parade, stuffing of the wheels, the flamming rolling wheels andf the fireworks afterward.
Our Goulash spice blend features 3 different paprikas, (Hungarian Sweet, Smoked Paprika,
just a tiny amount of Medium Spicy Hungarian Paprika) toasted Caraway and Cumin seeds, Bay Leaves.
Great German flavor for stews and soups comes from the right spice.
This Eintopf Special Includes:
A recipe book and short biography of my Grandmother Emma Block. Her recipes, culture and cooking styles that were brought over from Germany. How they evolved when she came to America in the early 1900s and settled in Portland, Oregon on the west coast of the United States. Over 100 recipes
The German Pancake called Apfelpfannkuchen in Germany is often known as a "Dutch Baby" in the states, popularized first by a small restaurant in Seattle named Manca's and then even more so by "The Original Pancake House" that started in Portland, Oregon. This was my first fascination as a chef and had to make a pilgrimage up to Portland to meet the owner and see how they did this first hand.
Sometimes this pancake comes up the sides and makes a nice bowl shape. This one we made at my sister's place for a brunch with my folks and we liked this shape better because the center seems to get browned better and not just the sides.
You can also do this in a square glass baking dish, watch the video..
I went to a class on cooking in stone ovens, but you can do this in any oven.
Saffron Easter bread is served in some areas of Germany. Saffron has been a symbol of gold and wealth for centuries and gives a wonderful intense flavor as well as color. Easter is a time of celebration and historically also a time of hope for a good bountiful year on the farm. Karen Kinnane's family would save and shell out money for the expensive saffron once a year, so this bread became very special. I think you will love the flavor and aroma as well as the bright color of this simple bread, that is not overly sweet or filled with goodies but wonderful with good quality butter and coffee or tea.
When Grandma took a notion to bake a ham, she used generous amounts of Grandpa’s homemade wine to baste it with while it was cooking. The spicy aroma of the ham, wine, cloves, and brown sugar baking in the oven left no doubt about what was for dinner! In the old days, she’d buy a real smoked ham, with the bone in and skin on. After having the skin taken off, it was boiled to get some of the salt out of the meat, then covered with brown sugar and cloves, and baked in wine. Those hams were truly memorable!
Fran Augenstein requested this dish that she had in Germany,
and said oohhh the bread around the ham is so delicious.
It picks up the flavors and spices of a traditional roasted ham,
the cloves and the mustard as well as some of the juices.
I give a traditional German rye dough recipe, but if time is short,
you can use any dough or a store bought bread dough, and it will
still be "schmecht gut!"
Karin Elliot
is a chef and wonderful friend giving me encouragement through the years here and donatedher recipes for our newsletter.
She also does wonderful volunteer work like providing meals for school children in need in Tuscon, Arizona.
Many German-Americans and German immigrants are interested in Native American items from books and movies to jewelry and arts and craft supplies. Karin will take care of you personally with her online store Native Rainbows
German Music
Ursprung Buam - Hoam nach Tirol
Here is another one that has lots of wonderful "Springy" Music!
Antonia - Fliegerlied
The Bird Song
Fingerl Flitzer - Drei Madeln aus dem Bayerwald
Angela Wiedl,Melanie Oesch,Herlinde Lindner-Erzherzog Johann Jodler/Zillertaler Bravourjodler