Our German Recipe Cookbook

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Kaiserschmarrn is an Austrian pancake specialty that is sliced and topped with different garnishes. It is either a dessert or main dish, and it can be savory as well, using cheese and other tidbits, like sausage and mushrooms.

More History and Background on Kaiserschmarrn

Ingredients:                                serves 4

3/4 cup + (75 g) 3 oz plain flour (All purpose)
4 eggs, separated
pinch of salt
125 ml (4 fl oz) milk
fat or oil for frying
4 tbsp (60 ml) caster sugar (superfine granulated or powdered)
2 tsp (10 ml) cinnamon

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1. Put the flour into a mixing bowl and make a well in the center.

2. Mix the egg yolks, salt and half the milk in a jug, then pour into the well in the flour.

3. Gradually work in the flour, then beat vigorously until smooth and bubbly. Stir in the rest of the milk.

4. In a clean, grease-free bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff.
Beat the batter again and fold in the whites.

5. Heat a little fat or oil in a large frying pan. Pour off the excess.
Pour a quarter of the batter into the pan and fry over moderate heat for about 1 minute until light brown underneath.

6. Turn and cook the other side for about 30 seconds until golden.
With a pancake turner cut the pancake into pieces.

7. Slide out on to a plate and, Then repeat with remainder of the batter 1/4 of the batter at a time. You can also use two forks to cut the pancake up.

8. Immediately return the pieces to the pan and reheat for 30 seconds, turning the pieces over carefully.

9. Turn on to a sheet of greaseproof paper, add 15 ml (1 tbsp) sugar and 2.5 ml (1/2 tsp) cinnamon and toss together.

10. Put on to a warmed plate and keep warm over simmering water.

11. Cook the rest of the batter in the same way, greasing the pan when necessary. Serve with stewed fruit or jam, if liked.

Donated by Barbara Rokita


Video of How to make Kaiserscharrn


The German Deli says that
Dr. Knoll's Kaiserschmarrn mix
is very popular in Germany right now.




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Where to shop for German Foods and Things

I order from the German Deli more frequently than ever.
I try to get in bulk to make the shipping dollars count.
Also there are sales all the time I like to take advantage of.
They are nice folks. If you don't believe me call them.
and tell them Stephen Block sent you from the German Goodies Newsletter
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Last updated September 25, 2019