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Candied Orange Peel

Peel from 3 oranges
will make about a cup of
diced candied orange peel.

Simple Syrup;
1/4 cup water
1 cup sugar

2 Tablespoon Sugar

Cut the ends off the orange so it can sit flat.
Cut the orange peel like so starting from the top and cut around to bottom. Try to get as little of the pith as possible.


Go all the way around the orange

Cut the pith off the orange the same way, and discard.

Slice the remainder of the pith off the orange and discard.

repeat with the other oranges. At this point you can make strips, for eating like candy, or you can prepare it for baking.

To dice the orange peel, place in the food processor and pulse or with chop with a knife like so.

At this point to make a less bitter flavor you can boil the orange peel in 2 cups water for 1 minute, turn off the heat and let sit for 10 minutes then strain.

Bring the water and sugar to a boil in a good size pan.( 2 quart)

add the orange peel and simmer for 3 minutes.

Strain the peel

Place on a pan or dish, spread apart and let dry.

After it has dried toss with sugar and store in an covered storage container till ready to use.

Here it is cut in strips to make a nice gift candy

Melt a bag of chocolate chips and dip the ends of the orange peel
In it and lay on a sheet pan to dry.

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Last updated December 8, 2008