Ebinger Baking Company , with a chain of stores across the Brooklyn borough, was founded in 1898 by George and Catherine Ebinger. Famous for their cakes and pies, and especially their Blackout Cake, they closed in bankruptcy on August 26, 1972.The cake is named for the wartime blackouts.
Ttheir famous and beloved chocolate-pudding-filled Blackout Cake was a chocolate layer cake filled and frosted with dark fudge and dusted with chocolate cake crumbs that was so popular that other bakeries in the borough, like SeaLane, produced inferior knock-offs.
How did it get it's name?
Chocolate Blackout Cake was developed in Brooklyn, New York during World War II, named after the blackout drills performed by the Civilian Defense Corps.
A Blackout was performed so Ships when sailing off to battle could not be spotted by enemy planes. City lights were turned off and windows were covered with black material. They had drills like fire drills to practice for the real thing.
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Erbinger's Chocolate Blackout Cake
This is from Molly Oneill's New York Cookbook
Molly Oneil was a New York Times Food critic that spent 5 years writing this book with recipes of many of the famous New York restaurants and bakeries.
Chocolate Blackout Cupcakes
This is the same recipe that takes a scoop out of the center of the
cupcake and fills it with the pudding then frosts it.
This recipe uses crushed chocolate wafers instead of the traditional cake crumbs.
This is the personal recipe that I use.