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Making Vegetable Pickles
on your
Kitchen Counter
(no canning or cooking involved)
![](../Cucumber/Garlic.jpg) |
With the side of the knife swat the garlic clove slightly.This releases the flavor and loosens the skin so you can peel it easy.
Add the vegetables, dill , corriander, or the spices of your choice.
Add 1/2 cup distilled vinegar and enough water to cover, and place a plate slightly less diameter in the bowl to weight the pickles down.
Place some kind of a weight on the plate. I have used a glass measuring cup with water in it.
Now you can test the pickles in a few hours for flavor, and daily until they become "pickly" enough for you. Place in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.
They will keep roughly for 6 months.
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