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You start out with,
1 part sugar like .................100 grams or 1/2 cup
2 parts cold butter...............200 grams or 2 tablespoons shy of 1 stick
and 3 parts flour .................300 grams or 2 1/2 cups
Then you add an egg or just an egg yolk if you want it more crumblier.
Most electronic digital scales you buy now have a grams or ounces choice and you can
easily measure this out.
1. Put the flour on the counter and make a well in it.
2. Put the sugar in the center and add the butter cut into chips and work it into the sugar.
Some like to mix this in a bowl .
3. Add the egg or just the yolk into the sugar and butter and work in.
4. Work the butter mixture into the flour to make a dough.
5. Wrap the dough up in plastic or cover with a towel and refrigerate for 2 hours.
6. You can use this for Shortbread cookies as well as a pie crust.