Skin the tomatoes by scoring an x on the bottom , take the core out and putting them in boiling water for 10 seconds or so. . I do it one by one so they don't get cooked.
It is easy then to peel the skin off the tomato. Just takes a second. I use a knife and just peel down the sides.
Mar says to take the little center out of the garlic which just pops out\. That is what makes you
burp hours later. She said at least that is what her grandmother in Spain told her.
Mar broke the stale up and put it in a bowl. The cut up tomatoes go on top and all gets mushed so that the bread will soften. Let it sit for a few minutes to accomplish this.
Put the ingredients including as much garlic as you want. (You can always add a bit more) into the blender and blend on high for a minute. Stop stir and blend again for another minute. Add a few drops of red wine vinegar, salt and a little pepper sauce if you desire and blend for another minute.
Taste and see if it is the right balance of flavor.
Top the soup with chopped or grated hard boiled egg and strips of the Serano Ham or Prosciutto.