Put some soft biscuit or toasted bread in the bottom of a sallad bowl, put in a layer of sliced tomatas with the skin taken off, and one of sliced cucumbers, sprinkled with pepper, salt, and chopped onion; do this until the bowl is full, stew some tomatas quite soft, strain the juice, mix in some mustard and oil, and pour over it; make it tow hours before it is eaten."
---The Virginia Housewife, Mary Randolph, facimile 1824 reprint with aHistorical Notes and Commentaries by Karen Hess [University of South Carolina Press:Columbia] 1984 (p. 107)
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First published in 1825, The Virginia House-Wife was the most influential cookbook in nineteenth-century America. Considered the ultimate how-to cookbook, it rivals some of the currently popular cookbooks with its commonsense knowledge and advice which remains practical to this day.